Santiago and the Shortcut – A Halloween Photostory

After a near three hours at my friend’s house, it was time for me to get home. With my bag slung over my shoulder, I began to roll down the path of their home on my skateboard. I was glad to have brought my vest as a chilly breeze fluttered past.

The street ahead of me was a mix of white light from the lamps above and the colorful oranges and purples of the houses’ Halloween decorations. Towering skeleton statues cast their shadows across the sidewalk as I rolled by, the only sounds echoing between the houses being the scraping of my wheels against the concrete and the distant humming of driving cars.

As I approached the end of the street, I checked my phone for the time. 9:28 PM. 17 minutes until our curfew to get home. When I reached where I would usually turn left, I peered down the path on the right. I couldn’t recall if I’d ever gone that way, but the map on my phone showed that it ended near my house. With enough time to spare, I decided to investigate the route.

The path continued on for a good few yards, the light from the street-lamps behind me fading rapidly. The concrete turned rough and my wheels began to scratch loudly against it. I cringed, praying for minimal damage. To my relief, I soon reached a point where I had to switch to walking, tucking my skateboard beneath my arm.

Just ahead of me stood a tall, metal fence blocking my way. I carefully placed stuff on the other side and slid my foot through the bars, squeezing my way through.

I was met with grass as tall as my waist on the other side. Looking around, I realized that I had entered the area of unclaimed land between my friend’s neighborhood and mine. Nevertheless I continued, cautious of where I stepped.

I emerged from the wall of tree into a stretch of clear grass. It was silent as I walked through it, except for the occasional car passing nearby. Checking my phone for the time again, I heard a noise behind me. I spun around. Nothing. I looked back at my phone. It was now 9:34, leaving me with 11 minutes to get home.

A window popped up on my screen informing me of my low battery. Shoot, I’d forgotten to charge it when I was at the house! Desperate to preserve the little battery I had left, I shut off my phone and tucked it back into my pocket.

Looking up again, I searched for a continuation of the path, but there was none. It had simply ended amongst the trees. I checked everywhere with no luck. There was no sign of any path except for the small gaps between trees and where I had come from.

Then, there was a noise again. Quiet, clicking from behind me-

I whipped around, a wave of shock washing over me. Amongst the branches of the towering tree sat a huge, fuzzy spider.

It lunged at me. Without thinking, I swung my skateboard in an attempt to swat it away. Instead, it grabbed hold of it, pulling me towards its web. I braced myself, trying to recover my skateboard, but it refused to let go. The spider was surprisingly strong, but the skateboard was brand new! There was no way I was letting some oversized bug steal it. So I continued to pull, putting all of my strength into it.

But I wasn’t holding it tight enough. My grip slipped and the skateboard flew out of my hands, making me fall to the ground behind me. The spider pulled it closer, its web grabbing hold of it. I scampered away, crawling back.

I’ll just come back for it in the morning, I promised myself as I scrambled to my feet. I ran, breaking through the trees and down the cut-through path between the houses. Finding myself on my street, I hurried home.

Behind me lay my stolen skateboard, more spiders crawling over it, proud of their loot. But it wouldn’t be their’s for long. Oh, I was going to get it back.

Hey everyone! I know we’re super late but we really wanted to share these photos, so happy *very belated* Halloween! This photostory was inspired by the skateboard that came with Nicki’s skateboarding outfit that we got last month, and I’m super proud of how it turned out. Special thanks and a shoutout to my dad for helping me think of this, set it up and do the photoshoot!

Okay, now before we go, I just want to acknowledge our very sporadic posting schedule this year… first of all, I just want to say that no, we have zero plans on leaving the blog. However, due to schoolwork and everything going on, I can’t guarantee posting regularly unfortunately. I will try my best to post as often as I can, especially with the holidays coming. Regarding the next few weeks, we’re likely going to be posting some slightly older posts because we desperately need to catch up XD. And even if I’m not posting, I’m still here! I still read all of your posts when I see them in my email!

So, that’s all for today! What did you guys all do for Halloween this year? Personally, I spent the evening handing out candy to my street’s trick or treaters. This is the first year I’ve done so actually! And if you dressed up, I’d love to hear all about your costume! Who/what did you go as? Let me know all about it in the comments!

Pumpkins and Sunshine – A Fall Photoshoot

Oops I did it again… I disappeared from the blog…

…but now I’m back! Sorry for disappearing again! To be completely honest, I have no idea what happened and why I didn’t post. But that’s besides the point! Summer is done, and now it’s fall, my favorite season. And, seeing as I have off from school this week, I’m planning on sitting down and preparing some posts for the next few weeks.

In the meantime, enjoy this mini photoshoot!

Heather, my dad and I drove over to this nursery the other day so that we could do a photoshoot in front of the really cool pumpkin house! Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of just the house but the next time I go, I’ll try to get one.

Isn’t Heather’s baby pumpkin so cute? One of my favorite aspects of fall is the search for a perfect mini pumpkin for the dolls! Or a few…

I might have gotten three minis this year… 🤭

Ahhhh Heather is so cute!!😍

I love how the leaves are in the foreground in this photo and the next!

Of course we needed a photo just for the mini pumpkins…

Aaaaand Heather decided to compete in the pumpkin growing contest. She got second for largest, healthiest pumpkin!

Here’s one final photo of Heather being super cute…

Well, that’s all for today! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful first two weeks of October and continue to have a great fall. Can’t wait to post again!

Oh and make sure to let us know if you have any post requests! Until next time…

What’s your favorite season? And what do you love most about it? Let us know in the comments!

The Journey of a Custom Doll

Hello my amazing readers! So, I totally haven’t been procrastinating posting this, but we really wanted to share a recent project we’ve been working on. As some of you already know, we bought a used Marie-Grace doll off of FacebookMarketplace for just $75, including shipping! My initial plan was to replace her wig with the one I bought off of Etsy, but when she arrived, I couldn’t bring myself to take off her wig, despite its condition. I guess I just wasn’t ready to customize a doll? I honestly don’t know why I waited so long. After a few weeks though, I finally decided to follow through with my plan and customize her. Today’s post will be showing the customization process! Let’s get started!

*warning: This turned out to be a rather long post; we just thought it would be best to put it all together.*

Here she is in her original form as Marie Grace. During her time pre-customization, we did take her for one photoshoot. Would y’all like to see it even though she doesn’t look that way anymore?

Prior to the wig swap, I cleaned her vinyl up a bit. Although the description of her on Facebook Marketplace mentioned a lack of scuffs and shine marks, when she arrived, there were clearly more than described. However, I was able to use a recipe for vinyl cleaner found online (unfortunately, I can’t tag or link the videos/posts, as I don’t know where I found them). I do know that it involved water and baking soda, which you mix to a “toothpaste”-y thickness. After mixing up the solution, I wrapped a clean wrap around her body and tied up her hair, so as to not get any anywhere it wasn’t supposed to go. As this was my first time doing this, it’s possible I was being slightly too cautious, but then again, you can never be too cautious. 😀

*yes I know she isn’t wearing the rag mentioned before. I took it off to do some of her vinyl*

Using another rag, I dabbed the mixture onto her vinyl, specifically the shine marks. Then, let it sit for a minute or so before gently rubbing it off. Personally, I didn’t get the shine marks off entirely, although they are a lot less noticeable.

Then it was time to rewig her! I bought a super cute short, blond wig from ZazouDollCo off of Etsy!

And it was off! We didn’t use a silicone wig cap, although I did buy one. Instead, my dad helped me pull it on to the correct position.

And here she is! The final result!

Although the real Enid has freckles and colored hair tips, I decided to leave those off (technically, I did try to give her freckles using watercolor, but they came off even after drying!). I might give her freckles if I find a different technique, but even without them, I think she looks a lot like Enid, and is super cute and pretty!

Sorry that this post was rather short! Her first photoshoot will be posted soon, and we will also add her profile on the Meet the Dolls page. In the meantime, we hoped you enjoyed seeing how we fixed up and customized her! We also hope to introduce her in a photo story at some point, although we’re not entirely sure how to introduce her yet. Until next time! Have a great rest of your day!

Lights, Camera, Photography! – Part 1, Basic Terms/Settings

Good morning/afternoon/evening/whenever you are reading this! As one of our amazing followers suggested, here is our very own guide to photography, complete with tips, tricks, and suggestions. Although some of these tips mainly apply to doll photos, a lot of these tips apply to all photos. Also, most have to do with camera photography, although some are for iPhones (not androids, or other phones, Apple iPhones). Let’s get started!

Tip Numero Uno – Background Blur

A lot of photographers aim to have something called “bokeh” in their photos. For those of you who don’t know what bokeh is, its the blurry little circles of light in the background, like in this photo:

Often, these form naturally, although there is a certain setting you will need to change on your camera. In this photo, which was taken on my camera, I set the aperture to the biggest possible fraction. The bigger the fraction, or the bigger F-stop, the more background blur. This means that with a small f-stop (f/16), more of the objects behind your subject will be in focus, whereas a bigger F-stop (f/2.8) would blur the same objects.

Typically, a bigger f-stop is used in portrait photography, which doll photos would fall under. Blurred backgrounds add to your portrait photos, as they draw more attention to the subject. Personally, I use the biggest possible f-stop, as I love blurry backgrounds and bokeh.

In photography, aperture is the size of the opening of a len’s diaphragm, through which the light passes through. A bigger f-stop, such as f/2.8, allows the most light in.

*NOTE: depending on what mode you are in on your camera, you may or may not be able to adjust your f-stop. only certain creative modes allow you to change it.*

You can also “change your aperture” on a recent model iPhone!

On the later models of the Apple iPhone, there is a mode on camera called Portrait Mode. In this, you can change the “f-stop” by clicking on the f button at the top. Remember, the bigger the f-stop (ie f/2.8), the blurrier the background.

¡Dos! – Shutter Speed

The set shutter speed on a camera sets the amount of captured motion blur. The faster the shutter speed, the more motion is frozen, whereas a slower shutter speed would mean blurred motion. If one was wanting to capture droplets of water dripping from something, they would set their camera to have a faster shutter speed. However, if one wanted a photo of a waterfall with its water smooth, then they would set their shutter speed to a slower speed.

This doesn’t typically apply to normal portrait photos, of dolls or people. However, shutter speed would be used when taking a creative portrait, or, for example, a photo of a car driving by and the background blurred. Have you ever seen one of those photos of a race-car and the background is all blurred into streaks of color? The camera taking that photo will have had a slow shutter speed.

You don’t technically need a camera to adjust the shutter speed in your photos, just like with the aperture. When shooting on an iPhone, make sure that you are taking a normal photo, and that it is on live mode. I’m pretty sure this is only on the later few models. When taking a live photo, make sure that you don’t shake your hand, or move the phone away too fast. You have to hold the phone still for a moment, and always make sure that the photo was taken. After focusing on your subject and taking the photos, click to view it, and on the top-ish left corner, you should see where it says “Live Photo”. Click on it, and you should get the options of live, loop, bounce, and long exposure. The option long exposure will essentially blur all movement, as seen in the photo below.

This photo was taken on an iPhone this past summer, and I put it on long exposure. That way, the waterfall’s motion is blurred, creating a softer effect (aka changing the shutter speed). Unfortunately, you can’t change how much is blurred on an iPhone.

Number 3! – ISOs

On cameras, you can change the ISO in certain modes. The ISO essentially affects the sensitivity of the camera’s sensor. AKA a setting regarding exposure. The higher the ISO you are using is, the more light will be let in, and consequently, the photo will turn out grainier (AKA captures more noise). A lower ISO will result in a much darker photo, although it will be less grainy (less noise). When in a darker environment, it is often necessary to set your ISO higher, in order to capture a good photo. Personally, I leave my camera’s ISO settings on auto, as I feel that it works just fine, so I don’t have much to say about ISOs.

Well, that’s all I have for today’s post! Let us know if you enjoyed this and whether or not you would like to see more photography guides. And if so, what kind of things would you like us to cover? Let us know in the comments! Till next time!
Do you shoot with a camera or a phone? If camera, what kind of camera? What’s your favorite thing about using your camera?