The Dolly Crazy Tag

Hey hey hey! What’s up? It’s us, back again with another tag! *why do I sound like a YouTuber???* Anyways, you get the point. The awesome Reesa from The DollVille Blog and RJ from AdventuresOfAGDolls tagged us for the Dolly Crazy Tag, created by Viola. I, Vivianne, will be answering the questions, as some of them have to do with owning a doll. Let’s get started!

*also, are we posting consistently??? fingers crossed we can keep this up!*

The Rules:

Use the tag photo. (seen above)

2. Answer the questions.

3. Tag 1-5 people.

4. Link the creator/author, Viola Smiles.

5. Have Fun!

  • What was your most embarrassing memories of your dolls?

Well, I guess I could my most embarrassing memory was when I was taking New Year’s Eve photos this past December with my new camera, and… ran out of space on my memory card… Luckily I had my phone with me, so I could just take pictures on there! Speaking of those photos, I forgot to post them for this New Year’s Eve. Would y’all mind if I wait till next December to post them?

  • Why do enjoy your dolls/doll?

*blink* *blinks again* Why do I enjoy my dolls? Ummm… EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM??? They’re just so cute and photogenic, and seeing as I am an only child (oop. there you go. another fact about me.), I have no one to take pictures of. That’s part of the reason I have my blog: so that I can share the pictures I take of them. But seriously, overall, they’re just amazing!

  • What is your favorite memory of your dolls?

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I don’t if I could say I have a *favorite* memory, although I guess you could say whenever have gotten a new doll was probably a favorite memory, especially when I got Rebecca, who was my first doll.

  • Is there ever a time when you don’t like your dolls?

Umm, I have never not LIKED the dolls. Sometimes I don’t use them, but I never don’t like them.

  • Do you have a favorite picture of your dolls?

Probably! I have quite a few, although here are some of my fav:

  • Has there ever been a time when you kinda forgot about your dolls?

Sure! Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say forgotten, but I do have periods of time when I don’t use them. Back in early 2022, I didn’t to anything with them. But yeah, most of the time it is just because I’m super busy so I barely have time for them. 😦

  • When blogging about your dolls do you ever feel uninspired/out of ideas for the next post?

Yes! Absolutely! A lot of times, I have zero ideas, and consequently disappear from my blog, reappearing after a month or two. (that definitely hasn’t happened a lot recently… 😦 )

This tag was fun to do! I hope y’all have fun doing it as well. Here’s a clean copy of the questions:

  • What was your most embarrassing memories of your dolls?
  • Why do enjoy your dolls/doll?
  • What is your favorite memory of your dolls?
  • Is there ever a time when you don’t like your dolls?
  • Do you have a favorite picture of your dolls?
  • Has there ever been a time when you kinda forgot about your dolls?
  • When blogging about your dolls do you ever feel uninspired/out of ideas for the next post?

And I tag…

Until next time!

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